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Nathan Stoltzfus lectures at Stetson University as a part of their Holocaust Memorial series.

Dr. Mordecai Paldiel gives a lecture that explains and explores Yad Vaashem’s “Righteous Among the Nations” research that finds Gentile individuals who, during the Third Reich, saved Jewish members of the community. This lecture is part of a series hosted by The Kuperferburg Holocaust Resource Center and Archives and supported by the National Endowment for Humanities Challenge Grant.

This is a lecture from Dr. Blaumel-Schwartz, discusses the modes and examples of spiritual resistance in the Holocaust. Dr. Blaumel-Schwartz also discusses a religious artifact that “survived the horrors of Auschwitz and a Nazi death march.” This lecture is hosted by the Museum of Jewish Heritage, A Living Memorial to the Holocaust.

Dr. Mordecai Paldiel gives a lecture on German individuals who risked their lives for their Jewish friends and neighbors. The individuals Dr. Paldiel discusses have been honored by Yad Vashem as “righteous among the nations.” Some individuals included in the lecture are Dorothea Neff, Elizabeth Abegg, Lilli Wolf, and more. This lecture is part of a series from Rintels Professorship Speakers.

Dr. Judy Blaumel-Schwartz is an editor and contributor to Women Defying Hitler: Rescue and Resistance under the Nazis. Most of Dr. Blaumel-Schwartz’s work surrounds women in the Auschwitz concentration camp. The following link is a lecture from Dr. Blaumel-Schwartz, “Our Story, Their Story”: Recalling Women in Auschwitz and During the Holocaust.

Dr. Gene Sharp was a founder, president, and Senior Scholar at the Albert Einstein Institution and continues to be a leading authority on non-violent struggle. In this Keynote address, Dr. Sharp discusses the relevance of civil resistance in the ongoing and global struggle for human rights. Dr. Sharpe assisted Dr. Stoltzfus in honing his research for Resistance of the Heart: Intermarriage and the Rosenstrasse Protest in Nazi Germany.

This program examines Sophie Scholl and the White Rose with Wolfgang Huber, the son of White Rose member Kurt Huber and Professor Emeritus at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstad; Frank McDonough, author of Sophie Scholl: The Real Story of the Woman Who Defied Hitler; and Nathan Stoltzfus, the Dorothy and Jonathan Rintels Professor of Holocaust Studies at Florida State University. The conversation is moderated by Lori Weintrob, Professor of History at Wagner College and founding director of the Wagner College Holocaust Center.

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