UROP research
Zur Kontroverse um die Rosenstrasse von by kurt Pätzold
Wolf Gruner, "Ein Historikerstriet? lnternierung der Juden aus Mischehen in der Rosenstrasse 1943
Susanne Heim, "The Women’s Protest on Rosenstrasse Between Commemoration, Idealization, and Debate”
Henschel, Aus der Arbeit der Judischen Gemeinde Berlin
Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression Volume III
Foreword to the German translation of Resistance of the Heart by Joschka Fischer (English)
Foreword to the German translation of Resistance of the Heart by Joschka Fischer (German)
Walter Laqueur, Foreword to Resistance of the Heart: Intermarriage and the Rosenstrasse Protest in Nazi Germany
Plausible Evidence: Exchange of Arguments by Wolf GruNer and Dr. NAthan Stoltzfus
Resistance to Rosenstrasse History by Antonia Leugers
Resistance to Rosenstrasse History II by Antonia Leugers
Historical Evidence and Plausible History: Interpreting the Berlin Gestapo's Attempted "Final Roundup" of Jews (also known as the "Factory Action")
After 80 years: Why we commemorate the Rosenstrasse protest - Jerusalem Post Article By Nathan Stoltzfus and Mordecai Paldiel [March 6, 2023]
The Jewish Population of Germany 1939-1945 by Bruno Blau
Forum: Authority, Sovereignty, Interpretation … Subtext? Controversies in Recent German Historiography
H-German Forum on Rosenstrasse, Summer 2004
Scholarly Debate by Sheighlin Haggerty