Margaret Quappe de Hurwitz Family
Margaret (or Margarette) Quappe de Hurwitz was born in Dobristroh, Germany, May 7, 1901. She married Gerardo Hurwitz, a native Argentine, in 1930. SHe was of evangelical religion and they baptized their two sons in that faith. In November 9, 1938 their house in Golzow was vandalized because of anti-Semitic persecution. When appearing to claim protection from local authorities, it was explained to her that there was nothing done against her, since she was of "German blood": the attack had been against her husband. ''
The officials offered her to annul their marriage so that Margaret and her children could join the German village community and enjoy the same privileges as the Aryans. Margarita rejected the offer, stating that her husband's fate would be hers.
Shortly after she moved with her family to Berlin, trusting to be able to camouflage herself in the secrecy of a big city. There it was recorded that she was the only "aria" of the "Jewish" family but, when they moved, she declared herself Argentinian (and not German), following the citizenship of her husband. Margarita arrived in the country on November 6, 1939 aboard the “Principessa Giovanna”, accompanying her husband and children in their search for refuge. He died in Buenos Aires in 1942, before having been able to get used to being exiled from his country and his relatives.
Written by Isabella Lopez